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Sunnd 2025

"The ‘Sunnd’ Health & Wellbeing programme is an initiative led by Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG), which aims to facilitate opportunities for the community to support all to have a high quality of life, by remaining active, healthy, safe and included.

‘S e iomairt a bhios a’ brosnachadh slàinte is fallaineachd a th’ ann an ‘Sunnd’ aig Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn, a bhios a’ toirt chothroman do dhaoine pàirt a ghabhail ann an tachartasan coimhearsnachd a bhios gam fàgail a’ faireachdainn fallain, slàn agus sàbhailte."

Refund policy

If you wish to cancel your booking, please do so 48 hours before the session starts. You will then receive a full refund. If you cancel the booking less than 48 hours before the start of the session, unfortunately we are unable to give a refund.