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Tap Into Freedom

Tap Into Freedom is an innovative healing experience that combines the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with the gentle, embodied wisdom of psychedelic journeying in small, intimate group ceremonies.

EFT, also known as "tapping," is a profound yet simple technique that allows us to release emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, and unresolved traumas. By stimulating specific meridian points on our bodies while focusing on particular issues, we can create powerful shifts in our energy and consciousness.

To facilitate the magic of Psychedelic EFT, you will be guided on a low-dose psycholytic journey. We work with doses just low enough to create a lightly altered state while remaining fully present and oriented. Legal psychedelics such as cannabis, kanna and breathwork can be used to facilitate this powerful state. Please reach out to Victoria directly to discuss medicines and dosage.

Low-dose journeys allow you to access expanded perspectives and deeper wisdom from your subconscious, while still being grounded in your body and the therapeutic process. You get the benefits of heightened awareness, creativity and emotional openness, without the intensity or disorientation of a full psychedelic trip.

For exploring limiting beliefs and stuck emotions, this "lite" psychedelic space holds enormous potential. You can tap into more authenticity and inner knowledge about your needs and patterns, receive insights and new neural connections, while feeling safe, held and in control.

Your journey begins in a safe, nurturing space where you are guided through intention-setting and grounding practices. As the medicine gently opens your awareness, you embark on a customized EFT sequence, addressing the themes and needs present in your group. This unique combination often leads to profound insights, emotional release, and a renewed sense of connection to yourself and others.

Whether you're seeking freedom from anxiety, past trauma, relationship patterns, or simply desiring deeper self-connection, Tap Into Freedom offers a pathway to profound healing and personal growth. Join us in this sacred container, where we come together in community to support each other's evolution and tap into our true potential.

This will be some of the best few hours you could ever invest in yourself. As someone who has spent years exploring my psychological and spiritual depths, I was skeptical of doing an EFT session. I have come to see the wisdom and love in my bad and shamed parts, so I wasn’t sure what was left for me in a session like this. But the session was more than just removing the charge from a negative experience. It was a shamanic journey that helped me integrate hidden parts of myself. It’s not just a journey for healing. It’s a catalyst for evolution and moving towards the next adventure.

Victoria's EFT journey was delightful! I realized during the session I held a background sense of anxiety about the direction of my life. I was able to feel some grief, then gratitude, and overall a deep appreciation for how I'm living my life. In the two weeks that have followed, that background anxiety about life direction has been greatly diminished. It felt profound and touched some deep places while also being light and easy -- not overwhelming at all. Highly recommend! - BB

Victoria Angel Heart chose her name well. She creates a warm, safe, loving space where I felt held and cared for. Her acceptance and wisdom gave me the ability to look at parts of myself I usually avoid, and to do so without fear and flinching. I cannot recommend her highly enough. - Brian Court

Victoria’s original creation of merging the healing practices of EFT tapping, with the mind– and heart-opening benefits of plant medicine, is a uniquely powerful tool for personal transformation. - Faruk Ateş

Victoria’s facilitation skills are fantastic. I felt safe and relaxed and fully held in her presence. I trusted her with the whole experience and felt her wisdom and care come through the whole time. You’re in great hands with Victoria! - MP

Adding a micro-dose to the EFT session felt like it super charged the whole experience! Under Victoria's guidance I was able to access some really deep parts of myself in a safe way and release old stagnant energy and thought patterns. Would highly recommend this combo and Victoria as a facilitator! -NB

From 19 Sep 2024
October, 2024
18 Fri 6pm PDT
1 Fri 6pm PDT
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7 Sat 11am PST
January, 2025
4 Sat 11am PST
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