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Housing Benefit

Thursday, 19 September '24   9:45am – 12:45pm BST
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This one-day Housing Benefit course remains as relevant as ever for older people and for people living in supported or temporary accommodation. On this course we look at who can make new claims to Housing Benefit and how much they are entitled to.

This is a two-part course on two consecutive mornings. To attend the whole course, please select 2-part ticket for £155 + VAT (you do not need to book separately onto Part 2).


  • Eligibility rules
  • Housing Benefit amounts

This part of the course looks at the main eligibility rules in Housing Benefit and who can get Housing Benefit. It also introduces the Housing Benefit calculation and how amounts are worked out.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of part 1 participants will:

  • Understand the differences between working age and pension age Housing Benefit
  • Have an awareness of when a claim to working age HB can be made in respect of temporary and supported accommodation
  • Understand the capital rules and when capital can be disregarded
  • Understand the liability and occupation rules including when HB can be paid during periods of absence.
  • Know how the eligible rent is worked out in HB
  • Understand the non-income factors which can reduce HB including the Bedroom Tax, non-dependant deductions and the Local Housing Allowance.

3 hours on Day 2, including registration, course presentation, break and time for questions

  • Housing Benefit amounts (continued)
  • Making claims & getting paid

This part of the course continues to look at the Housing Benefit calculation and how amounts are worked out. It also considers how claims are made, dated and managed.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of Part 2, participants will:

-Have a basic understanding of how the applicable amount is worked out
-Be able to recognise a maximum award of Housing Benefit as well as Housing Benefit awards which are reduced due to income
-Have gained an understanding of how income is assessed in HB
-Be able to recognise underpayments and overpayments in HB and check that are awards are correct
-Understand how claims are made and dated including when a backdated claim can be made
-Be able to help people avoid problems due to suspensions and terminations of awards as well as with overpayments of Housing Benefit
-Know when overpayments of HB can be recovered by local authorities and when they cannot.

Methods of delivery
This course is delivered online live with a BTC trainer. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and case studies, group discussion and games. Participants will be provided with e-learning supporting material including PowerPoint slide handouts, a comprehensive training pack pdf and additional resources.

Intended audience
This course is for participants who work with people of state pension age and/or people of working age who live in temporary or supported accommodation. No previous experience is required.
Private landlords who help their tenants with Housing Benefit are welcome on this course. Please note that the course will be delivered from the perspective of the tenant/claimant and does not look at how to maximise income for the landlord. Please contact us if you are a private landlord and would like to check that we can meet your training needs.

Certificates & post course support
Named participants completing the whole course (Parts 1 & 2) will receive an e-certificate and regular benefits news updates and guarantees access our free 12 months post-course advice service.

Level: Standard, Intermediate


This online course is run over Zoom. In the week before the course, you will receive an email with Zoom link(s) and access the supporting materials. You will need to download (or print) the pack (and slides, if you wish) before each part of the course, unless you have selected a printed pack when booking.

You will need a good wifi connection and a suitable computer/laptop to access both the Zoom session and the pack throughout. You may wish to use a separate device for the pack (or split your screen) if you cannot or do not wish to print.

We recommend participants log in a few minutes beforehand. You may also wish to have a pen and paper handy to make notes.



2 part ticket (booking for both Parts 1 & 2) with downloadable materials

Ticket covers both Part 1 and Part 2 (the following day)
£155.00 + VAT

2 part ticket (booking for both Parts 1 & 2) with printed pack

This ticket includes the cost of printing and delivery of a printed pack to your given address in advance. It is only available to those who book AT LEAST one week before the first training date.
£180.00 + VAT