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Benefits for European Migrants

Monday, 4 December '23   9:45am – 12:45pm GMT


This is a two-part course on two consecutive mornings. To attend the whole course, please select 2-part ticket for £135 + VAT (you do not need to book separately onto Part 2).


  • Overview and introduction
  • Right to Reside groups

This part of the course identifies the different groups we might work with in relation to benefits and European migrants. It also provides an overview of the different tests that are applied. This part of the course goes on to look at some of the main Right to Reside groups and considers how to approach a case involving the Habitual Residence Test.

By the end of part 1 participants will:

  • Be able to identify different groups of migrants and how we should approach benefits advice for each group.
  • Be aware of the residence and presence rules for each of the main benefits that migrants can be entitled to.
  • Be able to recognise the necessary links to work that can entitle some European migrants to benefits involving the Habitual Residence Test.
  • Be familiar with worker status, retained worker status, self-employed status and retained self-employed status.


  • Right to Reside groups (continued)
  • Further practice

This part of the course continues to look the main Right to Reside groups and considers how to approach a case involving the Habitual Residence Test. This part of the course goes on to practice what has been taught and returns to the broader issues we should consider when working with European migrants.

By the end of part 2 participants will:

  • Be familiar with the rights of an EEA jobseeker, family member rights, the permanent right to reside and the derivative right to reside.
  • Be able to use a systematic approach to understand the benefits rights of European migrants.
  • Have had an opportunity to consider a range of scenarios that may come up in their work.

Methods of delivery
This course is delivered online live with a BTC trainer. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and case studies, group discussion and games. Participants will be provided with e-learning supporting material including PowerPoint slide handouts, a comprehensive training pack pdf and additional resources.

Intended audience
This course is for staff working with non-British European nationals. Some previous experience of working with European migrants is helpful and a working knowledge of the wider benefits system is assumed.

Certificates & post course support
Named participants completing the whole course (Parts 1 & 2) will receive an e-certificate and regular benefits news updates and guarantees access our free 12 months post-course advice service.

Level: Advanced


This online course is run over Zoom. In the week before the course, you will receive an email with Zoom link(s) and access the supporting materials. You will need to download (or print) the pack (and slides, if you wish) before each part of the course, unless you have selected a printed pack when booking.

You will need a good wifi connection and a suitable computer/laptop to access both the Zoom session and the pack throughout. You may wish to use a separate device for the pack (or split your screen) if you cannot or do not wish to print.

We recommend participants log in a few minutes beforehand. You may also wish to have a pen and paper handy to make notes.



2 part ticket (booking for both Parts 1 & 2) with downloadable materials

Ticket covers both Part 1 and Part 2 (the following day)
£135.00 + VAT

2 part ticket (booking for both Parts 1 & 2) with printed pack

This ticket includes the cost of printing and delivery of a printed pack to your given address in advance. It is only available to those who book AT LEAST one week before the first training date.
£160.00 + VAT