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Better Backs Yoga CPD training day

Sunday, 23 February '25   10am – 4pm GMT
Calm Village Yoga Studio, 4 Thingwall Road, Irby, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH61 3UA
Better Backs Yoga CPD training day


Yoga can be a great way to maintain and improve people’s back health. This CPD event will provide the necessary knowledge to support people with back pain in your classes, and is the ideal springboard to taking the full YHLB teacher training course.

The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs twelve week course gently and progressively takes students through a series of pain relief poses, followed by movements to improve strength and flexibility. This British Wheel of Yoga accredited CPD day will include lessons from the start and end of the course to allow comparison of the progress students make over the twelve weeks. We will also study how back health impacts emotional and wellbeing, considering the importance of relaxation for people with back pain.

Background to Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs
80% of the adult population will experience back pain. For some this can be a short episode of mild inconvenience. For others, it can lead to weeks or months of debilitating pain, with a subsequent impact on everyday life, associated with loss of confidence and feelings of anxiety and depression.

Research in 2007 by Alison Trewhela and Anna Semelyn, in association with the University of York and Arthritis Research UK, demonstrated that yoga is beneficial in helping people to recover from chronic back pain. Subsequently over 400 teachers have trained in YHLB. Since 2007 there have been major developments in our understanding of how the brain interprets pain messages from the body, and polyvagal theory has also leapt forwards as a way of supporting an individual’s emotional wellbeing which can be closely linked to back health. This CPD will address these developments, and consider how they are relevant to recovery from chronic back pain.

YHLB is a twelve week, gentle, yet progressive, course of yoga to help participants regain strength and flexibility. The first lesson focuses on pain relief poses to be used during acute attacks of pain. Participants are often surprised by how much they can do in a class by Lesson 12, with benefits often being reported by weeks 3 and 4.

Kate trained with Alison Trewhela in 2013, and has since run over 40 YHLB courses, sharing the course with approximately 300 people. Many course participants repeat the course multiple times as a way of maintaining their back health, whilst others do the course once, and then never return to class.

Three course participants have cancelled spinal surgery upon completion of the course.

Aims for the morning

Provide information about the research behind the YHLB trial, and follow up findings. Corroborate this with Kate’s experiences of teaching YHLB.

Provide information about the structure of the course – the twelve weeks of classes, the course materials, book and relaxations.

Provide information about the physical, mental and emotional impacts of chronic back pain.

Practice the series of pain relief poses, Core practice A and a relaxation.


  1. Practice the pain relief poses and Core practice A with a focus on the importance of moving with the breath.

  2. Practice a body awareness relaxation.

  3. Identify the physical, emotional and mental impacts of back pain, linking this to polyvagal theory.

Aims of the Afternoon

Lead an asana practice from Lesson 12 of the course to demonstrate how much progress is made during the course.

Provide information about the role of the vagus nerve and psoas muscle in relation to back health, and how a basic understanding of these can help support people with chronic back pain.

Provide information about our understanding of pain mechanisms, and how the brain interprets messages from the body.

Lead a relaxation.


  1. Practice the sequence from Lesson 12
  2. Practice humming bee breath
  3. Spend time in relaxation

Teaching Materials Used On The Day

Pranayama techniques
A resources sheet will be emailed to all participants
Spine model
YHLB books and handouts
Chairs, table, walls

Methods of presenting the subject (this may vary depending on whether the CPD is face to face or on Zoom)

Presentation by the tutor
Practical work

About the Tutor

Kate qualified as a BWY teacher in 2007 having trained with Rosemary Bennett, and has since undertaken additional training in Yoga for People Living with Cancer, Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs, Restorative Yoga and Menopause Yoga along with various other courses. Kate is currently studying the Gentle Years Yoga course.

Outline plan for the day

10:00-10:30 – Welcome. Admin/itinerary of the day. About back pain and the physical, emotional and mental aspect. The research.
10:30 – 10:40 - break
10:40 -13:00 – Pain relief poses and Core Practice A. Relaxation.
13:00-14:00 – lunch break – try to get outside for some fresh air!
14:00-15:45 – About pain mechanisms, polyvagal theory, psoas muscle, Lesson 12 poses, relaxation.
15:45-16:00 – Questions. Summary of the day. Discussion.

Other information

This day will suit student teachers and qualified diploma course holders. The day works well face to face or on Zoom. It will mainly be practical. Bring the usual equipment needed for a practical yoga class, a pillow, and any props that help you to sit comfortably. Access to wall space, chair and table would be beneficial too, but is not essential.

Please be aware that the CPD will not qualify you to teach the 12 week course. However, it is a good introduction for anyone interested in studying the teacher training course.



Agombar, Fiona (2021), Yoga Therapy for Stress, Burnout and CFS – Singing Dragon

Goldman, Jonathan and Andi (2017), The Humming Effect, Solar Power

McGonigle, Andrew (2021), Supporting Students with common injuries and conditions, Singing Dragon

Rosenberry, Stanley et al (2017) – Accessing the healing power of the vagus nerve for self help

Trewhela, Alison and Semelyn, Anna (???) – Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs

Websites & online articles


Please bring your usual yoga equipment.



Better Backs Yoga CPD training day

Sorry - no refunds. If you can't attend in person you can join on Zoom, or transfer your place to another person.


Calm Village Yoga Studio
4 Thingwall Road
Irby, Birkenhead
CH61 3UA

There is a small carpark in front of the studio, or you may be able to park on the road. Please be aware of any parking regulations that may be in place.


  • Toilets
  • Parking