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Lucy Murray Yoga

Mindful Hatha & Slow Flow Yoga, Kum Nye Tibetan Healing, Meditation, Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), Yoga for Mental Health.
Relaxed and friendly classes with an experienced teacher in Worcestershire and online. Suitable for all abilities. Individual and small group tuition available.


FREE trial class - please email Lucy to book.

Prices shown are for those who can afford to pay; if you are on a reduced income please contact Lucy as some concessions may be available.

To filter the schedule and see full info about an individual class or event, click on the relevant button below. Then choose the class that you are interested in and click the blue ‘View Details’ button. To book click ‘Select’ then ‘View Selection’ to go to your basket.

Hatha & Slow Flow Yoga Yoga Pershore Wed Mornings Yoga Zoom Wed Evenings Yoga Evesham Thurs Mornings Accessible Yoga Evesham Thurs Mornings Meditation Yoga Workshops & Events Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga
Fra 8 sep 2024
september, 2024
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