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Zoom Pilates Classes

Welcome to our zoom class booking page!


TO BOOK FOR IN-PERSON CLASSES PLEASE CLICK HERE - https://bookwhen.com/inperson/
TO VIEW THE IN-PERSON TIMETABLE CLICK HERE - https://leeds-physio-pilates.co.uk/pilates

Our classes run as a 5 week course and you can join us for as many as you want online!

Course Costs (5 weeks) -
£45 for unlimited online classes
Simply add whichever classes you wish to attend to receive the class invites you require

Booking Steps -

  1. From the Schedule, click the course you would like to join
  2. 'Select' the course ticket
  3. If you want to join more than one course, select other courses in the same way (A discount in the background will reduce the price to £45)
  4. When you have added all your courses, select ‘View Selections’ which will take you to the confirmation/checkout page. Double check you have all the courses you require showing.
  5. Select ‘Book Now’ and follow the checkout process (You do not need to register unless you want to)
Ab 27 Jul 2024
Juli, 2024
27 Sa Kurs: 4 Termines
Kurs: 4 Termines
29 Mo Kurs: 3 Termines
Kurs: 3 Termines
30 Di Kurs: 3 Termines
Kurs: 3 Termines
31 Mi Kurs: 3 Termines
Kurs: 3 Termines
Kurs: 3 Termines
1 Do Kurs: 3 Termines
2 Fr Kurs: 3 Termines
Kurs: 3 Termines
Zeitzone der angezeigte Zeiten: London