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Movement Therapy Booking

Welcome. This is the booking page for our Movement Psychotherapy and Mindful Movement sessions.

You will also find taster sessions and courses which will introduce to some of the in person sessions in our Wellness Programme. The Wellness Programme offers a daily choice of sessions for mental and physical health. Sessions are in person, live online and pre-recorded. They include meditations and guided visualisations for relaxation and restful sleep, as well as individual appointments - online or at our studio. You can choose to participate in the same session/s regularly, or mix and match to suit your own schedule. Either way, the sessions will greatly benefit mind and body, and you can attend as many sessions as you like.

If you would like to join the Wellness Programme, use the link below to sign up for a membership

Wellness Programme

Fra 20 mai 2024
mai, 2024
21 tir. 18:00 BST
22 ons. Kurs: 3 Datoer
Kurs: 3 Datoer
23 tor. Kurs: 3 Datoer
Kurs: 3 Datoer
28 tir. 18:00 BST
4 tir. 10:00 BST
11:00 BST
12:00 BST
18:00 BST
11 tir. 18:30 BST
12 ons. 06:30 BST
15:00 BST
18 tir. 18:30 BST
18:30 BST
19 ons. 03:00 BST
06:30 BST
21 fre. 11:00 BST
25 tir. 18:30 BST
26 ons. 03:00 BST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London