Space at Waikato Playcentres
Space at Waikato Playcentres would love to share in your parenting journey. At Space you and your baby will connect with other new parents & their babies as you explore parenting & children's development in a safe, facilitated environment. Your Space group will meet weekly, giving you & your baby the chance to make real connections during your baby's first year.
Current Programme Fees
For a 3 term programme (approx. 30 weeks) PAY NOW $99 discounted rate (from $105)
If you wish to book into a programme and do not have a credit or debit card OR want to apply for a WINZ Childcare Assistance subsidy OR need to arrange a payment plan, please email or ph 027 808 6678
If WINZ Childcare Assistance is not approved we will contact you regarding payment.
Babies over 5 months old
There maybe a place available in an existing programme. If you can't see a group that is appropriate for your babies age please contact ph 027 808 6678 with your name, baby's name, date birth, contact phone number and the area you live in.
Twins receive a reduced programme fee for the second child**. Please select 2 tickets - one for the full payment and one for the reduced payment
Please contact if you need any support booking into the programme.
If your baby's age is not catered for in the current programmes
If you can't see a group that is appropriate for your babies age please contact or ph 027 808 6678 with
1) Your name
2) Baby's Full name,
3) Date of birth,
4) Contact phone number/email (depending on how you contact us)
To Book
To Book 'click' on the programme you want below, click 'select' on the programme fee option you want , then click 'view selection', 'book now' and complete the details requested. Please only select multiple tickets for multiple babies under the same carer (attendee). If booking for a friend complete a separate booking. If the course you want to join is fully booked please join the wait list; click on the session you want then click 'Join Wait List' and fill in the details.
All places are non refundable - Playcentre Aotearoa is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of, or the entire programme. It may be possible to attend an alternative session but this is dependent upon availability and must be arranged with Programme Administrator
Please note, you need to be able to attend one of the first two weeks and at least one in every four weeks after that. This is due to our requirements from the Ministry of Education.
Your baby does NOT need to be immunised to attend our Space sessions. If you would like your baby to have received their 6 week immunisations prior to starting, please ensure the Space group you are registering for starts after this. You may need to wait and join the next round of Space groups we open.
For more information on Space
Click here to see what Space for you and your baby is all about
Click here to see how Waikato Playcentres offer the perfect environment for you and your baby
Based in North Waikato or the North of Hamilton?
Book a spot at Pokeno Playcentre through the Auckland team's booking site:
Do you have an older baby would like to continue the play for a little bit longer?
Pokeno Playcentre are running a Summer Mess -Messy Play sessions with a term of messy play, fun activities and outdoor play as we celebrate summer.
Sessions will run on Thursday afternoons at Pōkeno Playcentre from 12.15 - 2.45 pm from the 13th February - 10th April.
Each week will have a different messy play to experience like puff paint, gloop, ice foam castles, Grinch slime and craft activities such as salt dough and biscuit making.
The cost is $45.00 for the term.
To book, please visit or email
Connect with us on Facebook
If you want join us about stories or booking updates visit our Facebook page Space at Waikato Playcentres 'like' and click 'see first in news feed' to see our notifications.