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The Rallysport Association - Online Entry System

See listed below in the schedule tab each of the events currently scheduled for our Winter Series for 2024/25! Please note that each event has a preset opening date (usually 2 weeks prior to the event) and you will be unable to enter before this time!

We have tried to set the system up to be as straight forward and user friendly as possible.

Make sure to follow the steps correctly and complete all required fields in full.

Step 1: Select the event that you would like to enter under the 'Schedule' section
Step 2: Press the 'Select' button under the 'Tickets' section of the page
Step 3: Choose your quantity of entries (1 for a single entry, 2 for a dual entry)
Step 4: Press the 'View Selections' button
Step 5 : Review your selected items and if correct press the 'Book Now' button
Step 6: Enter your email address in the 'Booking Contact' box, repeat customers will be able to select their existing details, when complete press the 'Continue' button
Step 7: Fill out the form for the 1st Attendee, please note any fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed, once complete press the 'Continue' button
Step 8: For dual driven entries complete the form for the 2nd Attendee and press the 'Continue' button
Step 9: Review your selections, select your payment method and enter your details correctly and in full. Once complete press the 'Complete Booking' button
Step 10: You will be issued a confirmation and booking number as well as receiving an email copy of this which will contain useful information such as the venue address and start time.

Refund policy

A full refund will be issued or the entry fee carried over to a future event if a cancellation is made at least 48 hours before the event.