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Trapeze Yoga with Belle

Wednesday, 8 January '25   7pm – 7:55pm GMT
Bridgewater Mill, First Floor, Legh Street, Eccles, M30 0UT
Trapeze Yoga with Belle


(Please note this class is not available to book with the regular class pass - you must purchase a Trapeze Class Pass for block booking - single class bookings also available)

Our mixed ability Trapeze Yoga class is an anti-gravity class where we use both the ground and the support of the trapeze to work through a flow of exercises.

Yoga Trapeze is a fun effective way to build strength, flexibility and balance.

Relieve back pain, reduce stress, and improve your grip and core strength with the Yoga Trapeze. As well as being a great cardiovascular workout each class includes a number of inverted poses with breathwork and a guided relaxation to finish.

Inversion & Trapeze health benefits
Traction of the spine / Spine decompression
Helps to ease backpain
Push / Pull exercises
Increased core strength
Shoulder stretches
Supported backbends
Increased upper body strength
Increased grip strength
It's FUN ..........

Pushing and pulling is missing from many exercises classes, and this missing component can cause many issues and injuries especially wrist pain.

So what does this have to do with the Yoga Trapeze? Everything. Most students initially get interested in the Yoga Trapeze for the spinal traction and passive backbends, but very quickly they learn that the functional pulling and grip strength is equally (if not more) valuable and truly β€œcompletes” yoga as a comprehensive fitness modality.

It’s therapeutic because it can help minimize stubborn back pain, but it’s also a lot of fun because, well, who doesn’t wanna feel like they’re flying through the air? (But don’t worry, the Yoga Trapeze isn’t aerial yoga. It’s not set up that high off the ground β€” so if you’re afraid of heights, no need to fret about that.)

Important Information
This class is NOT Suitable for anyone suffering from the below conditions
Stage 2 herniated discs
Cardiovascular Disease
This class is also unsuitable during Pregnancy.

Please ensure you read through the Activity Disclaimer before booking.


Here’s some helpful information to read before you join us:


Come as you are - everyone is welcome here ❀️

Please bring some water to keep you hydrated, your mat, and a towel to class.

Mats are available to borrow or purchase at the studio if you don’t have one. All other equipment needed will be provided by your class teacher but you are welcome to bring anything else you find supports your practice.

We ask if you can arrive 10 minutes before your class if possible.


Activity Disclaimer

We ask you to read and agree to our disclaimer before taking part in any activity at Transcend Studios, as by booking and/or participating, you agree you have read, understood and are agreeing to the terms, and that you understand that your participation is entirely at your own risk.

Lateness, Refund and Cancellation Policy

By booking this class/workshop, you agree you have read, understood and are agreeing to the terms of our activity disclaimer, and our lateness and booking and cancellation policies.

A polite note on lateness

We ask you to arrive 10 minutes early for your class or workshop.

A lot of our classes take place when the coffee shop is closed, and therefore for security and safety of everyone, the door has to be locked a moment before the start of class, so everyone can settle in and the class can begin on time.

By showing up early to class, it gives you time to park your car and give yourself a moment to let go of whatever happened before you arrived. Start being early to the important things in your life and see what happens!

If you arrive after the class has started and the door is locked, entrance will not be permitted. This unfortunately means your late arrival will be treated as a late cancellation/no show and a refund/transfer will not be issued.

Bookings and Cancellation Policy

Please be aware that all class bookings - either single tickets and class passes - are non refundable, unless we (Transcend) have to cancel a class or workshop for unforeseen circumstances.

Transcend Studios reserves the right to cancel a class or workshop at short notice for unforeseen circumstances. Although this is very rare, as much notice as possible will be given, we will either rearrange to the next class or workshop scheduled for you, or provide you with a refund.

We understand that cancellations are sometimes unavoidable – but cancelling late or not attending at all often stops other students from booking places in that class. If you cancel a class booking within 24 hours of the class start time, the class will not be credited back to your account or refunded.

We do however accept transfers up to 24 hours in advance of your class/workshop start time. You can transfer your own sessions up to 24 hours before the session on our booking system.

No refunds will be given for late cancellations, no-shows, early departure from classes, unused tickets or expired class passes.



Trapeze Yoga with Belle

Available with:
Single Ticket


Bridgewater Mill
First Floor
Legh Street
M30 0UT


  • Changing facilities
  • Toilets
  • Parking