Gift voucher for Β£30.
This voucher can be used on any class, workshop or event.
Please note all gift vouchers have an expiry date of 6 months from purchase.
Gift voucher for a 5 class pass.
This voucher will entitle the receiver to purchase a 5 class pass, for 5 studio classes (terms apply) or a voucher redeemable on a class, event or workshop of their choice to the value of Β£35.
A 5 class pass... [Read more]
Gift voucher for a 5 class pass for trapeze yoga.
This voucher will entitle the receiver to purchase a 5 class pass, for 5 trapeze classes (terms apply) or a voucher redeemable on a class, event or workshop of their choice to the value of Β£45.... [Read more]
Gift voucher for a 10 class pass.
This voucher will entitle the receiver to purchase a 10 class pass, for 10 studio classes (terms apply) or a voucher redeemable on a class, event or workshop of their choice to the value of Β£65.
A 10 class pass... [Read more]
Gift voucher for a 15 class pass.
This voucher will entitle the receiver to purchase a 15 class pass, for 15 studio classes (terms apply) or a voucher redeemable on a class, event or workshop of their choice to the value of Β£90.
A 15 class pass... [Read more]