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S A Pilates

Refund policy

Course and block term bookings:
Once a course or term has started SA Pilates is not under any obligation to provide a refund or transfer to an alternative course or term booking in the event that you are unable to attend part, or all of the course or term sessions. SA Pilates will endeavour to provide you with an alternative class, this depends on availability. An alternative class may be offered in the form of a physical or online class. You may also be offered a class recording which is valid for 7 days.

Cancellation by SA Pilates:
In the event of a class or course being cancelled by the instructor due to illness or unforeseen circumstances the customer will be entitled to a refund on request. The instructor will always endeavour to make contact with you if a class needs to be cancelled; please check your phone prior to attending classes. The instructor may also make alternative provision by having a suitably qualified person step in to take the class during the absence, and in such circumstances a refund will not be offered.

Bad Weather or Other Disasters
In the event of bad weather or other natural disasters or pandemics the instructor will refer to best practices and guidelines, and use information to make informed decisions. If the weather is deemed fit for travel or if guidelines for disasters or pandemics are put into place in accordance with advice, and the decision is taken to run the class, but you personally decide not to attend then a refund will not be made. 

Health & Safety
The SA Pilates instructor is a fully qualified STOTT Pilates L3 instructor who has completed several specialist injury courses to form part of their overall CPD. With a background Education, training and teaching, your instructor is trained in education of both adults and children, and has a degree in Arts Educations (UK), and Post Graduate Certificate in Education.

The decision to perform any of the exercises or movements remains the individuals, and the instructor cannot accept any responsibility for problems or injury to you during or outside of class. 

All equipment provided will be suitably maintained and cleaned. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment (e.g. yoga mat, blankets, etc). Small equipment can also be purchased from your Instructor.