Unlimited Pass - 28 Day
This drop in pass can be used for any free play activities or any classes, including messy classes on our timetable for 28 days from the first session booked using the pass.
Additional adults and Additional Siblings... [Read more]
Class Pass - 6 for the price of 5
This Class Pass can be used for any standard timetable class.
This pass will have a 3 month expiry from the first usage. You do not have to book the same class for all 6 sessions, you can use this as you wish... [Read more]
Class Pass - 6 for the price of 5
This Class Pass can be used on our classes including Exploring Literature.
This pass will have a 3 month expiry from the first usage. You do not have to book the same class for all 6 sessions, you can use this... [Read more]
💥6 Classes for the price of 3.5 with the Black Friday discount! 💥
Can be used on all standard classes bar courses.
This pass is for 1 adult & 1 child only (additional sibling can be added by messaging us & £1.50 fee.
💥6 Classes for the price of 3.5 with the Black Friday discount! 💥
Can be used on the following;
Any standard play session.
This pass is for 1 adult & 1 child only (additional sibling can be added by messaging us & £1.50 fee.
Play Pass - 6 play sessions for the price of 5
This Play Pass can be used for any standard timetable play session, it does exclude special events.
This pass will have a 3 month expiry from the first usage. You do not have to book the same play... [Read more]
Unlimited Pass, 7 Days
This drop in pass can be used for any free play activities or any classes, including messy classes on our timetable for 7 days from the first session booked using the pass. Please check our sessions on our timetable are... [Read more]